Getting 10 CEOs to say “Yes, I need you.”  Discover Workshop Marketing Events

Posted by Admin on Mar 21, 2019 1:43:38 PM

You’ve worked hard --you’ve marketed, called, made promises and twisted arms, and are now leading the main event. 10 CEOs are in your workshop and giving you their full and undivided attention...

Show time. What are you going to say? How do you connect your expertise to their problems? How do you generate a lively conversation? win new clientsYou’re going to talk about their babies --OK, not literally, but close. Talk about their companies. Talk like you know them, like you’ve been working with them for years. How do you get that kind of insight? It’s actually kind of easy. A little technology, a little training, your usual prep, and you’re good to go. Good to wade into the arena and make it real.

The main event is you running a real-time health scan on the group’s companies. The result is powerful: an anonymized series of reports on their strengths and weaknesses, benchmarked against their peers. You’ll use technology as your script, your scribe, and your black-box-magic. Using the group’s data, you’ll be connecting your expertise to their challenges. Sound like fun? You bet it is.

Here’s the basic agenda for a CEO group workshop:

  • Welcome and Introductions
  • Host advisor explains group analysis, individual reports, privacy and security
  • Host leads group using CoreValue Discover, the 15 minute initial assessment of company strength and value
  • Host uses Discover questions to highlight her/his experience and expertise --war stories
  • The group can ask questions, make comments, and offer their own experiences throughout
  • CoreValue technology immediately creates:
    • Group report, where group data is aggregated and anonymized
    • Individual reports on each company, privately emailed to each CEO (with advisor’s logo in header)
  • Group results are presented and discussed, with more “I’ve seen this before and here’s what we did” stories
  • The discussion links the host’s expertise directly to identified problems
  • Behind the scenes, the host advisor gets quantified analytic reports on each participant
  • Each CEO can privately request a follow-up conversation
  • Advisor has over 20 insights on each company to use following up with participants

Figure 1. Discover Workshop Marketing Event, Advisor's Dashboard

Screenshot 2019-03-21 at 13.25.24Business advisors and consultants are doing these meetings all the time. From CoreValue they get everything they need, including the preso deck, talking points, great support --these advisors come across like Yoda-meets-HBR.  Each CEO gets a report about their company with the advisor’s logo across the top, contact information at the bottom, and the health and wellness of their company in technicolor splendor. Compelling they are. 

So what will your next workshop look like? We'd love to know what you think, please comment here or email us. 

You can also check out this article in the knowledgebase.

This is just one of the many cool topics that will be covered in the 2nd Annual CoreValue Business Advisor Conference. For more info and to register, please click here

Topics: Business Consultant, Consulting Practice In a Box, "Build a Thriving Business Consulting Practice"

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