Highlights from the Growth Consulting Summit

Posted by George Sandmann on Dec 1, 2021 3:03:31 PM

The new Growth Consulting Summit format is a huge success! We added workshops and this was a game changer. From good to great - great group and super content in a gorgeous location. Be sure to join us in May 2022. What are the key take-aways from the event? The biggest take-away is that adding participatory workshops creates a much richer experience. Thanks for the positive feedback, we’re staying with this.

IMG_20211116_172034Congratulations to each of you earning your Growth Drive Specialist wings - the workshop was held immediately before the Summit. It’s a must if you want new skills including starting the growth consulting conversation and using CoreValue's deep analysis for driving client growth. These folks are armed with new skills for every engagement phase.


Summit Highlights: 

  • We kicked off the Summit by unveiling the Growth Drive community, the leading community of experts on growing profits and value. The community is opening in stages: Summit participants are already in, and we’re expanding to our community at large over the coming weeks. 
  • Next we launched CoreValue Business Scan, plus a new CoreValue Discover-powered engagement service called Senior Team Alignment Report. Business Scan is a marketing tool for winning new engagements… To understand how this fits in your world, check out this graphic:

    Screen Shot 2021-11-30 at 10.14.43 AMCourtesy of Hollinden Marketers + Strategists (c)2021
  • Business Scan is designed for stages 2 and 3 of the buyer’s journey (Discover is for Stage 4, and the CoreValue Deep-Dive Analysis & Executable Growth Plan for Stages 5 and 6.)  It's a key new weapon for winning new engagements. 
  • This new marketing tool is a great segue to the Marketing Workshop, lead by guru Christine Hollinden. You can watch it here; download the deck to use as a worksheet during the class. Terrific reviews from the group. After you completed the class, you will have a professional services firm marketing plan for 2022!
  • Want to know the M&A outlook for 2022? Friend and colleague Michael Poole led a roundtable discussion with terrific data. Michael’s firm PCE Companies specializes in serving middle market businesses with >$20MM entity value, providing a suite of services including M&A and ESOP. PCE hosted the Summit Networking Cocktail Party, which rolled into a banquet-style dinner overlooking the river. The data in Michael’s presentation was brought to life by his deep knowledge of the space, and it looks like 2022 will keep pace with a record-setting 2021. Here are Michael’s slides.
  • New Peer Group Service for you from the Growth Drive community: wouldn’t it be great to be on a dream team of experts with whom you can solve the challenges, opportunities, problems and ideas from your practice and client engagements? What impact would it have on you to be in a mastermind group with other senior pros, representing the range of advisors serving the typical CEO? The Mock Mastermind Group Meeting simulated exactly that, to rave reviews. If you’re interested, we are interviewing potential group participants now for a January launch. Get more details here

That was just Day 1 - stay tuned, we’ll cover Day 2 next week.

If you want to learn more about any of thee topics please email support@corevalueforadvisors.com and we'll get you the information you need!

Best, --George

Topics: Growth Consulting

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