
It's like Strapping a GPS to the Old-Fashioned Referral

Written by George Sandmann | Apr 4, 2018 11:53:16 AM

There are a lot of parts that go into building a thriving business consulting practice.

Do you struggle getting client engagement leads? Here are the top three sources:

    1. The best source is existing clients. It is far easier to expand your services with the clients who know and trust you than to win new ones. Easier said than done… Would it help if you could identify specific engagement opportunities?¹
    2. One of our customers confided that they get 60% of their new engagements through referrals. This begs 2 questions: first, would it be helpful if your referral partners had a simple way to identify specific opportunities for you? Second, would you get more referrals if you could show the growth your work is creating?
    3. Then there is the least favorite of most pros: tactical sales and marketing. It isn't magic... it takes training and practice. CoreValue ‘Unlimited’ customers are guided step-by-step on how to win new engagements --they are even promised results.

Each of these sources improves dramatically with a detailed map of the business' engine. Let's focus on source #2, which was the theme for Pinnacle Equity Solutions’ winter conference. Pinnacle members have earned the Certified Business Exit Consultant credential, and are top Exit Planners. From the conference site: “The Beyond the Exit Plan conference [...] will focus on Collaboration of various types of professionals who serve business owners. We are looking to teach and further develop the way in which personal advisors and business consultants work together to serve business owners in a holistic manner for their Value Growth and personal, exit planning needs.”

For Personal Advisors --an imporant Pinnacle constituency-- the client’s business is an asset that will fund the wealth plan.  For Business Consultants the business is an engine that can be strengthened to increase revenues and value. Seems logical that these communities should collaborate, right? Pinnacle founder John Leonetti thinks so too, and he invited several CoreValue-powered business consultants to join his conference.  The conversations were super, including professional panels, presentations, and hands-on exercises. The feedback from our users who attended has been outstanding. They got a great understanding of what a top Personal Advisor brings to the table, and likewise our users explained how Business Consultants see the world.  This starts the conversation about when and why each community would collaborate with the other to meet the client's goals.

Bottom line, these communities are synergistic. It’s going to take a little time to develop, but the first pitch has been thrown, the game is underway. Because CoreValue creates a map of the client's company engine, it helps advisors and their clients understand the strong and weak business gears. From this understanding they can craft a plan to improve the performance of troubled gears, applying business consulting expertise to increase performance and value. Can you see how this turbo-charges collaboration? 

CoreValue users are excited to help move the collaboration project forward. Stay tuned, you’re going to see a lot of cool new ways in which you can build a thriving business consulting practice by collaborating with other pros.  Bottom line? It’ll be like strapping a GPS onto the old-fashioned referral.

If you'd like to know more about using CoreValue to find, win and service new engagements, and about using the system to scale and collaborate, schedule a meeting here.

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 ¹ Learn more by attending a webinar like “Generating Leads using CoreValue Discover"