NACVA CEO Announces CoreValue at Heart of Maximizing Value Strategy

Posted by Admin on May 16, 2019 3:41:13 PM

"...We started by introducing the slickest software I have seen in my career, known as CoreValue." --National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts CEO Parnell Black.

The NACVA issues the gold standard Certified Value Analyst credential. Think of the NACVA as the Keepers of Valuation Standards, for which Black wrote the book. CoreValue is helping the innovation-561388_1920NACVA change value analysis into value advisory because CoreValue's technology and training are making company value actionable.

In contrast to companies who deliver simple valuation or value software, CoreValue’s patented process is actually growing client revenues 21.63% and company value 27%. In May 2019 NACVA CEO Parnell Black placed CoreValue at the heart of NACVA’s new strategy of ‘Determining, Defending and Maximizing Company Value.'

Says Black: “Maximizing company value goes to the heart of what business valuation ... is really about. That is, using your knowledge ... to help guide businesses to their greatest value potential. [Value growth] is where your greatest earning potential lies.” He continues: “NACVA is dead-set on helping members seize the opportunity in business consulting helping companies maximize their value. We started by introducing the slickest software I have seen in my career, known as CoreValue. Along with this, we rolled out … courses ... that will teach you how to use the software and get you started marketing/promoting value-building consulting services. What makes the software so great is… it lays out a roadmap for building value, prioritizing the steps [to] have the most immediate impact on value. Essentially, this roadmap is a two/three-year consulting plan and your ticket to a thriving practice.1

CoreValue-powered classes are offered as CPE courses from the NACVA and CTI, and Pinnacle Equity Solutions (Certified Business Exit Consultant credential). The CoreValue methodology has become the generally accepted methodology for analyzing client company operations, powering strategic planning and value growth planning.

"We are leading the charge developing the technology, training and processes through which our customers are increasing client revenues and enterprise value. The technology is powerful, and we are driving expertise into the field with courses like the Executive MBA-level Business Advisor Boot camp available at NACVA's conferences," said CoreValue Advisor Software CEO George Sandmann.

Examples of engagements being delivered using CoreValue technology and training:

  • Operational Strength and Value Analysis
  • Strategic Planning
  • Succession and Exit Planning
  • Accounting Services
  • M&A Prep
  • Equity Value Maximization
  • General Consulting
  • Board Retreat Moderation
  • Enterprise Risk Management
  • and more

This is terrific news for NACVA members and the companies they serve: making companies strong creates community wealth. We'd love to know what you think --please comment or share your experience below.

Early Registration Open: #DRIVEGROWTH CoreValue Advisor Conference November 6 and 7 2019

Want to learn more? Register for a 1-1 meeting, it's easy: click here 

[1] NACVA CEO Parnell Black Letter to Members, First Quarter 2019 


Topics: CoreValue Software

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